티스토리 뷰

* Service Overview'

* 'Service Options'

"Decorate Your Own Video"

We are ready to do DYOV, contact us


[Type Descriptions]

Type No. Description Task No. Remarks.
Type10 Decorating an Image[Link] Task101~  
Type11 Decorating an Image to Outline[Link] Task111~  
Type12 Decorating BID-letter[Link] Task121~  
Type13 Decorating an Image to Distribute[Link] Task131~
Type20 Decorating Images to Affix[Link] Task201~  
Type21 Decorating Images to Overwrite[Link] Task211~  
Type30 Decorating a Video[Link] Task301~  
Type31 Decorating a Video to Outline[Link] Task311~  
Type40 Decorating a Video with Image[Link] Task401~  
Type41 Decorating a Video with Audio[Link] Task411~  
Type42 Decorating a Video with Moving Image[Link] Task421~
Type43 Decorating a Video with Script Task431~ 2023.11.30
Type43 Decorating a Video with Script and (Image or Video) Task441~ 2023.12.01
Type50 Decorating Videos to Overwrite[Link] Task501~  
Type51 Decorating Videos to Affix[Link] Task511~  




▷ If you need help, please send us your data(image or video) and specific request to dyov.bilient@gmail.com
▷ We will respond to your request with care no longer than 2 days, then your data will be completely deleted forever.
▷ If you can help us, we hope to send donation via Paypal with service.bilient@gmail.com



'BilientSevices > ImageDecorator' 카테고리의 다른 글

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